Flow by Mel

Aftercare Advice

How you might feel?

After a massage it’s normal to feel a little spaced out as you’re relaxed in mind and body. Your body is just working through the effects of the massage. One occasion can feel different to the next. You may feel refreshed, and energised and other times you may feel really sleepy and in need of a  rest. 

As your body relaxes, it’s normal for it to release any emotion you may be holding onto. There may be times where you feel light and happy and may be other times when you feel the need to cry. This is okay. Embrace it. Allow it to happen. You’ll appreciate the emotional release afterwards.


You will have heard before how important it is to keep hydrated after a massage. 

Releasing tension in the muscles gets fluid pumping out of the soft tissue and into your circulatory system, where it heads towards your kidneys. It is incredibly important to drink water because not only does it flush toxins out of your system, it ensures that you prolong the benefits of your massage. 


Massage therapy has a big effect on the bodies circulatory system and stimulates digestion. If you’re feeling a little light headed post-massage, this might be the result of not eating.

Following a massage your body needs to refuel. For this reason, consider taking a snack to your next appointment, such as a banana and some raw almonds. Ensure you keep meals light.


It’s not always possible, but always try to schedule your massage appointments at times when you can relax afterwards. The idea behind this is to prolong your sense of deep relaxation for as long as possible. Listen to your body. 

If you have any questions please contact me.