A new chapter for Flow

A new chapter…

I am so excited to announce that Flow by Mel will have a new home. I can’t wait to have you in my new magical space amongst the gorgeous bustling bright flowers at the Greenroom Florist from Sunday 9th June 2024.


91 Dundas Place, Albert Park


Sunday's there are no parking restrictions. There are 2 hour and 4 hour parking spots in the streets surrounding. If you just allow yourself some extra time before your first appointment.

2 hour parking on the other side of Dundas Place away from the shop.

2 hour and 4 hour parking along Vincent Pl and Montague St.


You will enter through the beautiful flowers. I will come downstairs and meet you a few minutes before your treatment the same way I do now and take you upstairs to my treatment room.


Along with my move my treatments have seen a small price increase, please see below the new prices for your treatments commencing in the new space from June 9th 2024

Realign 60 minutes $150

In tune 90 minutes $200

Cloud nine 2 hours $250

This has been my first price increase since beginning Flow in 2021. I hope you understand my need for increasing my prices as a small business with growing expenses.

If you want to shuffle an existing appointment to my new day or adjust any of your current treatments I am always happy to help.

Thank you as always for your loyalty.

Love Mel xo